Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Northbound on Indian River

We couldn’t leave the "Sunrise City" without catching the sunrise.

It was pretty quiet at that time in the morning but we were joined by some feathered friends.
We didn’t leave the Ft. Pierce marina until 8am as we had to get fuel and a pump-out. We headed back out to the Indian River heading north. The water was calm.

It's not like I 95 but even on the water you'll find billboards.

                            and graffiti

At 11am the winds picked up but and there was a light chop. We passed Melbourne at 1:25. We were docked and hooked up to electricity by 4pm at the Cocoa Village Marina. We covered 68.3 miles.
The marina had very nice facilities. We came across another vintage ship named, "Chesapeake" but didn't find any information on her.

We enjoyed taking a walk into the village and having dinner at Murdoch’s Southern Bistro.
It was a nice evening and the sun was going down when we got back to the marina.
Time to call it a night and turn out the lights.