Monday, April 21, 2014


Yesterday somewhere after the St. Lucie canal but before Stuart we came across a boatyard/marina that had a boat that immediately caught my eye. I took 2 quick photos as we passed on by.

Of course I had to look her up. Aphrodite is a 1937 Commuter Yacht that was used by a Wall Street financier to commute the Long Island Sound to Manhattan. By the 70s, the yacht was in disrepair. She was restored in 2004-5 at the Brooklin Boat Yard in Maine.
Here’s info on her interesting history (she was commissioned after the Pearl Harbor attack as a Coast Guard auxiliary vessel).

Also open the link to a video from so you can take her for a spin.

Ft. Pierce calls itself “The Sunrise City”. The city marina is in the downtown and is next to Gazebo Park and the Public library. They have a very nice public waterfront with a lot of benches for viewing the water, or the sunrise.


    Gazebo Park
Today was sunny but very windy. We're taking advantage of being here an extra day to do laundry. Also got to stretch our legs and walk all over town. If you are ever in Ft. Pierce go to Brewer’s CafĂ© for lunch. It is family run and have excellent food and hospitality.
Steve was able to take time to do some engine maintenance. We walked to the local ACE Hardware and Steve “MacGyvered” a quick fix to replace the air filter in the boat.