Thursday, June 26, 2014

New York, New York

  We left Hoffman Marina in NJ and headed to Great Kills Harbor in Staten Island, NY.

I'm cleaning the boat after docking at Great Kills Yacht Club

Leaving the marina the following day

We left the next morning entering the Lower Bay heading towards the Narrows.

Russ and Elaine leading the way

We went under the Verranzano-Narrows bridge with Staten Island on our port side and Brooklyn on starboard. Once through the Narrows we were in the Upper Bay and Manhattan was in our sight.
Going through NY Harbor was an experience. There were ferries, tankers, tour boats, in addition to a sailboat regatta, pleasure boats and dragon boat training. There also were half a dozen helicopters flying over head.
Elaine took these shots of me in NY Harbor. We headed up the Hudson River, passing under the George Washington Bridge (the bridge of the bridge lane closing scandal) and the Tappan Zee bridge. We continued to the town of Croton-on-Hudson on the river's east bank. We settled into the Half Moon Bay Marina for 2 days. Henry Hudson sailed up the river that now bears his name in 1609 on the Dutch ship Half Moon. He went as far north to present day Albany and so are we. 

We left Half Moon Bay marina, heading up river we passed by West Point Military Academy.

 We stopped that afternoon at Rondout Yacht Basin in Connelly, NY. 
 Joanne and Nick stopped by the marina and we all went out to dinner.
We were just there overnight and left for Albany.The weather was rough with strong winds and white caps.  I was exhausted after we arrived at the Albany Yacht Club in Rensselaer, NY. The next day would be a shorter trip about 15 miles north to the town of Waterford, NY, the gateway to the New York State Barge Canal system, The Erie Canal.