Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chesapeake Bay, Part II

From Calvert Marina on the Paxtuxent River I got back on the ICW and headed north on the Chesapeake Bay, stopping at Herrington Harbour North marina in Herring Bay.

I'm the odd man out among all the sailboats at Herrington Harbour

The following day I was Baltimore bound. I passed under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

I turned off the Intracoastal and went up the Patapsco River.

Tanker passing me

Came upon 2 more Baltimore landmarks, the Francis Scott Key bridge (I 695) and the historic fort, Fort McHenry.

"Oh, say can you see . . ."

although it wasn't at dawn's early light, but at noon time.


Dragon boat traing on port side

I arrived at Anchorage Marina in Baltimore and met up with fellow loopers Russ & Elaine. I spent an extra day in Baltimore due to a small craft advisory.

The boat behind me at the marina was a 60 ft long cat with a 85 ft mast

We left Baltimore and continued on the Chesapeake Bay and onto the Elk River. We turned off the river and went on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.

On the canal, photo by Elaine

Where the canal exits into the Delaware Bay, we stopped at the Delaware City Marina. We're still at the marina waiting for another storm to pass before we get out in the bay and head to Cape May, NJ.