Thursday, June 26, 2014

New York, New York

  We left Hoffman Marina in NJ and headed to Great Kills Harbor in Staten Island, NY.

I'm cleaning the boat after docking at Great Kills Yacht Club

Leaving the marina the following day

We left the next morning entering the Lower Bay heading towards the Narrows.

Russ and Elaine leading the way

We went under the Verranzano-Narrows bridge with Staten Island on our port side and Brooklyn on starboard. Once through the Narrows we were in the Upper Bay and Manhattan was in our sight.
Going through NY Harbor was an experience. There were ferries, tankers, tour boats, in addition to a sailboat regatta, pleasure boats and dragon boat training. There also were half a dozen helicopters flying over head.
Elaine took these shots of me in NY Harbor. We headed up the Hudson River, passing under the George Washington Bridge (the bridge of the bridge lane closing scandal) and the Tappan Zee bridge. We continued to the town of Croton-on-Hudson on the river's east bank. We settled into the Half Moon Bay Marina for 2 days. Henry Hudson sailed up the river that now bears his name in 1609 on the Dutch ship Half Moon. He went as far north to present day Albany and so are we. 

We left Half Moon Bay marina, heading up river we passed by West Point Military Academy.

 We stopped that afternoon at Rondout Yacht Basin in Connelly, NY. 
 Joanne and Nick stopped by the marina and we all went out to dinner.
We were just there overnight and left for Albany.The weather was rough with strong winds and white caps.  I was exhausted after we arrived at the Albany Yacht Club in Rensselaer, NY. The next day would be a shorter trip about 15 miles north to the town of Waterford, NY, the gateway to the New York State Barge Canal system, The Erie Canal.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Jersey Buoys

In my last post I included a photo of a yacht, the "Grand Barossa". I found additional information regarding the ship and it's journey along the east coast. We have been at 2 marinas with it. The ship's owner also owns a vineyard and winery in the Austrialia's Barossa Valley. He is traveling to promote his Château Tanunda wines.

We stayed at Utsch's Marina in Cape May, NJ for 3 days. This is a view from the marina's office looking across at the USCG Training Center.

We left before 6am and headed out into the Atlantic Ocean. It was a perfect day on the water.

Arriving at Atlantic City (above) and an addition of a new crew member (below).

The morning we left Atlantic City, the fog was very heavy and we had it for 50 of the 62 miles we traveled. Our last stop in NJ was at Hoffman's marina. Our boats were docked by the transit train bridge.

An extra day was spent at Hoffman's due to the waves. I had a guest joining me for lunch. Lynn drove from Pennsylvania to visit. It was especially nice that she drove us to the store so we could stock up our food and supplies.

It was a hot and sunny day but the only one swimming in the marina's pool was a duck.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Crossing the Delaware

Entering the Delaware City Marina

We were at the Delaware City Marina for a week waiting out storms. Even when it wasn't raining, the winds and waves were too rough to attempt a crossing.

The marina's office


Russ and Elaine


100 ft yacht at the marina

Finally there was a window so we took it and left a 5am this morning and headed into the Delaware Bay in a bank of fog.
Russ & Elaine took the lead and I followed along with a few others behind me.  They took this photo.  After the long wait, it was a smooth crossing and we were riding with the current. We arrived at Utsch's Marina in Cape May, NJ.  From tomorrow's weather report, it appears we will be here an additional day befoe we can head north to Atlantic City.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Chesapeake Bay, Part II

From Calvert Marina on the Paxtuxent River I got back on the ICW and headed north on the Chesapeake Bay, stopping at Herrington Harbour North marina in Herring Bay.

I'm the odd man out among all the sailboats at Herrington Harbour

The following day I was Baltimore bound. I passed under the Chesapeake Bay Bridge.

I turned off the Intracoastal and went up the Patapsco River.

Tanker passing me

Came upon 2 more Baltimore landmarks, the Francis Scott Key bridge (I 695) and the historic fort, Fort McHenry.

"Oh, say can you see . . ."

although it wasn't at dawn's early light, but at noon time.


Dragon boat traing on port side

I arrived at Anchorage Marina in Baltimore and met up with fellow loopers Russ & Elaine. I spent an extra day in Baltimore due to a small craft advisory.

The boat behind me at the marina was a 60 ft long cat with a 85 ft mast

We left Baltimore and continued on the Chesapeake Bay and onto the Elk River. We turned off the river and went on the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal.

On the canal, photo by Elaine

Where the canal exits into the Delaware Bay, we stopped at the Delaware City Marina. We're still at the marina waiting for another storm to pass before we get out in the bay and head to Cape May, NJ.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Chesapeake Bay

On my last post I was leaving Brunswick, GA heading to Savannah and Isle of Hope Marina. I'm currently in Dowell, Md at the mouth of the Patuxent river. Since that day in Georgia I have been to:
Beaufort, SC  /   Port Royal Landing Marina
Charleston, SC  / St. John’s Marina
Georgetown, SC  /   Harbor Walk Marina
Little River, SC  /  Myrtle Beach Yacht Club 
Wilmington, NC   /  Harbour Village Marina
Morehead City, NC  /  Portside Marina
Belhaven, NC  /  Dowry Creek Marina
Coinjock, NC  /  Coinjock Marina
Portsmouth, VA  /  Ocean Marina
Deltaville, VA  / Regatta Point
Dowell, MD  /  Calvert Marina

Early morning departure from Brunswick, GA


The ramp to the office at the Port Royal Landing Marina was over 2000 ft long

The Oscar Meyer weiner mobile was spotted in North Myrtle Beach, SC

Myrtle Beach Yacht Club

Departing Harbour Village Marina at 6:30am and heading to Morehead City, NC. Spent an extra day in Morehead City on account of the weather. The winds and waves were rough.

The view across from the Ocean Marina in Portsmouth, VA